Being an illustrious medical volunteer, Sockalingam does not plan to stop joining relief missions anytime soon. In early January 2021, Sockalingam received a call from MM Johor Chapter and without hesitance, he agreed to join yet another flood relief mission. This time, he was deployed along with other teammates to Johor to provide humanitarian aid to flood-affected families.
“After reporting to Klinik Kesihatan Kahang Batu 22, Kluang, my teammates and I were instructed to manage the temporary relief centres (PPS) under the clinic’s jurisdiction at SK Seri Bukut and SMK Kahang, where we managed to treat 25 cases altogether. We provided medical relief utilising primary healthcare kits that was sponsored by YSD and risk reduction activities for vulnerable communities.
“On the second day, we were scheduled to carry out our duties at an Orang Asli settlement at Kg Sengkang but heavy downpour thwarted our mission as high tide and flooding closed all the routes to the destination,” he recalled, adding that he was part of the mission for nearly a week from 5th to 10th of January.
Having treated many patients who were flood victims, Sockalingam said many of them face both physical and emotional injuries on top of the loss of physical possessions and income sources. These effects are further worsened by COVID-19 pandemic concerns which are felt by all levels of society.
“Flood victims may not only suffer physical complications but also experience psychosocial and mental health impacts which include psychological distress, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Therefore, it is our duty to provide them with only emergency medical responses but also rehabilitation and recovery, mitigation and prevention, as well as disaster preparedness knowledge” he said.
Sockalingam has carved volunteering memories in precarious places such as in Karachi, Pakistan and in Beirut, Lebanon. After taking part in so many disaster relief missions locally and abroad, Sockalingam deemed every mission as challenging and unique.
“It is important to have strong physical and mental abilities while on duty as volunteers. Apart from that, I believe that the key to all the successful missions is teamwork. It promotes an atmosphere that fosters more than just friendships and loyalty. Only by working together, we can achieve greater heights,” he shared.
Sockalingam always returns home after missions with a heart filled with joy and thankfulness to have had the privilege of helping other fellow humans. Touched by the trust and gratitude of those he had helped, volunteering is truly a platform he will forever hold dear to his heart.
“I am also immensely grateful to MERCY Malaysia and President Dato' Dr. Ahmad Faizal for all the opportunities given to me. I am also thankful to fellow dedicated officers and volunteers, my beloved wife as well as family and friends for their continuous support throughout my journey as a volunteer,” he said, adding that he is also grateful for YSD’s support on procuring hygiene and primary healthcare kits for the mission.