The Community-based Mangrove Conservation and Sustainable Livelihood Programme by global environment centre
YSD has newly embarked on “The Community-based Mangrove Conservation and Sustainable Livelihood Programme in Kuala Gula, Kerian and Lekir, Manjung, of Perak” just before the start of Malaysia’s Movement Control Order (MCO), in February 2020.
Alarmingly, 61% of the 250 km coastline in Perak has experienced erosions due to the increase in sea levels and more frequent storms. Linked to climate change, this phenomena will continue to escalate in future if no immediate action is put in place.
The planting and conservation of mangroves within these areas is hoped to improve quality of the coastline through natural protection and slow down coastal erosions.
In partnership with the Global Environment Centre (GEC), this programme will focus on: